
Cathrine Lagerberg

Cathrine Lagerberg

Cathrine Lagerberg holds a master's degree in drilling technology from NTNU and has over a decade ...
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Trine Holo

Trine Holo

Trine Holo has experience as a special advisor in the Police and the Armed Forces, with ...
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Tormod Heier

Tormod Heier

Tormod Heier is a Lieutenant Colonel and is employed at the Norwegian Defence University College. He ...
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Tom Røseth

Tom Røseth

Tom Røseth is an associate professor at the Norwegian Defence University College (FHS) with a Ph.D. ...
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Thomas Halvorssen

Thomas Halvorssen

Thomas Halvorssen is a Colonel in the Norwegian Army. He is the manager of the Norwegian ...
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Terje Bruøygard

Terje Bruøygard

Terje Bruøygard is the commander of Brigade North. He has previously served as the head of ...
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Robert Mood

Robert Mood

Robert Mood has held several leadership positions in the military, including roles in Telemark Battalion, the ...
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Richard Utne

Richard Utne

Richard Utne has extensive international experience in risk management and security leadership, both in the private ...
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Ørjan Nordhus Karlsson

Ørjan Nordhus Karlsson

Ørjan Nordhus Karlsson is a sociologist and an author. He is currently a Senior Civil Protection ...
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Hanne Eggen Røislien

Hanne Eggen Røislien

Hanne Eggen Røislien is a Senior Researcher and Advisor at the Norwegian Cyber Defence. She is ...
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