Conflict resolution

Vebjørn Horsfjord

Vebjørn Horsfjord

Vebjørn Horsfjord is the dean of the Faculty of Theology, Diaconia, and Leadership at VID Specialized ...
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Sasho Stojkovski

Sasho Stojkovski

Sasho Stojkovski has a defense background and has worked extensively in civil protection. As a researcher, ...
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Laila Bokhari

Laila Bokhari

Laila Bokhari is a political scientist, author, politician, researcher, and diplomat. She is a former State ...
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Kristian Berg Harpviken

Kristian Berg Harpviken

Kristian Berg Harpviken is a researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), where he leads ...
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Armend Mehaj

Armend Mehaj

Armend Mehaj has a background from the Norwegian Armed Forces, as well as an education in ...
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