Armend Mehaj

Armend Mehaj

Armend Mehaj has a background from the Norwegian Armed Forces, as well as an education in psychology and an MA in Governance and Leadership in the public sector. He is an experienced security and defence policy analyst with a specialization in global conflict management, threat assessment, and long-term security challenges. Armend Mehaj has experience in the healthcare sector, security policy, as well as EU and NATO processes. He has previously worked in peacekeeping operations in the Balkans, Afghanistan, the Central African Republic, and Chad. From politics, he has extensive experience in diplomacy, negotiations, and communication, which are essential for managing and resolving conflicts in a peaceful manner. He served as a security and defense advisor to Kosovo’s current Prime Minister from 2018 to 2021. From 2021 to August 2023, Armend Mehaj was the Minister of Defense in Kosovo.