Anton Lif

Anton Lif

Anton Lif is a specialist in influence operations and communication. He works as a Crisis Management consultant at Combitech, an independent company within the defense and security conglomerate Saab. Lif previously worked for many years at the Swedish Armed Forces’ Psychological Operations (PsyOps) unit, where he was involved in developing Sweden’s capabilities. Some of Lif’s key motivations lie in translating research and expertise in this field into practical applications: enhancing the ability of both private and public organizations to counter influence operations through education, practical exercises, and advisory services. He has also been involved in voluntary defense organizations in Sweden. In 2018, Lif was the project head for “Meeting Information Influence – Civil Resilience,” conducted by the Swedish Defense Education for the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap or MSB).